Listen Up! - MGMT 'The Youth'

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October 27, 2009

in Listen Up!

At this point, if you don't know MGMT, we're not sure we can be friends.  Responsible for chart-toppers like Electric Feeland Time to Pretend, the band took over indie in 2009 with the album Oracular Spectacular.  Their latest video, 'The Youth' (above), is hilarious and vintage, with 4 kids plucked straight from an American Apparel ad gone wrong. Be prepared to enjoy the jam and be perplexed by the video. Hey, the costumes may make for a dope outfit...on Halloween!
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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Emily Cobb October 29, 2009 at 4:42 pm

wow oh wow - pure gold. i've heard this song a bunch- but have never seen the vid. love the sequin explosion. also, this is pretty much how i dressed in 7th grade -thanks to the spice girl influence.


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